Real time infrastructure monitoring, smart tracking and inventory reporting solution.

Why Real-Time Monitoring is So Important

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No one can deny the importance of a proper monitoring system for the effective management of IT infrastructure. You need the most efficient solutions and monitoring tools to optimize performance, make the most out of your resources, and be able to deal with errors and failure conditions. 

While the traditional way of IT monitoring involves the use of reports, it does have certain limitations. Reports are only capable of showing what has already happened, and by the time you analyze, identify trends, and predict any instance of failure, it may be too late to make the right fix. 

This critical gap between the time to report and time to take action can cost you a lot of money. Real-time monitoring helps fill this gap by giving you real-time data, alerts, and notifications so you can take the timely discourse to deal with any issue. 

Real-time monitoring includes real-time data, alerts, and notificationsAnd unlike what most people think, real-time monitoring is not all that expensive to adopt. A proper automated real-time monitoring tool can be easily integrated into your IT infrastructure monitoring process, and you will soon realize that the benefits outweigh the costs involved. Here are some reasons you should employ a real-time monitoring solution

Immediate Results

Real-time monitoring helps you identify the actual times an incident occurs, the reporting time, and the resolution time accurately. By identifying these times, organizations can get more proactive with their response methods and deal with recurring problems efficiently. 

Real-Time Visibility On Performance

You can easily identify trends and actions that contribute to the lowered performance of your systems and take the necessary corrective measures with real-time monitoring. It helps speed up the problem resolution process. 

Real-Time Visibility On PerformanceAutomate Monitoring

Agentless real-time monitoring can be an effective way to capture even the smallest details regarding your infrastructure health and capacity tracking. You can easily identify resource utilization throughout the day with minimal manual effort and find better ways to optimize your resource allocations better. 

Automatic Alerts And Notifications

Real-time monitoring can be calibrated to produce prioritized alerts and trigger events to help manage infrastructure and carry out a smoother workflow for your IT teams. 

Better Forensic Analysis

As real-time monitoring can be scheduled to run all around the day, you can get accurate event logs and real-time reports leading up to the time of a security incident or error. This will help you analyze the root cause more efficiently and get to the right solutions faster. 

Alert Users On Time

Real-time monitoring also enables you to communicate issues and alerts to your users before it could heavily affect their operations and quickly seek the right course of action. 

Alert Users On TimeReal-Time Feedback

Real-time feedback is valuable to systems under development and beta testing modes. By capturing real-time feedback, you can easily optimize your services for better customer satisfaction and user experience. 

Increased Productivity

Real-time monitoring can boost employee productivity as it frees them from redundant tasks that can be delegated to the monitoring tool. It can easily identify unauthorized resource usages and data transfers and make timely alerts to prevent security breaches or vulnerable work practices. 

Some Of Infrastructure Monitoring Best Practices

  • Assign priority levels to each notification type so you can know which notifications must be dealt with immediately to avoid downtimes or serious issues that can impact the user experience. 
  • Identify the roles and responsibilities as to whom the alerts should be sent and set up guidelines to be followed in case of an error alert to help your IT teams. 
  • Try to schedule trial runs for your real-time monitoring solution to see if it behaves the way it should
  • Include all your data centers and monitor all locations for assured security. Track capacity at multiple locations continuously to get an accurate picture of your data and hardware setups. This will help you ensure consistent performance and compliance with established standards at all points in time. 
  • Make use of the support services provided by the monitoring solution to make the best use of all the features available. 
  • Identify and review your metrics regularly and update them against the observed benchmarks and standards. Some of the most commonly used metrics include Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE), data center infrastructure efficiency (DCIE), energy reduction, and IT equipment utilization.  

Best Practices To Infrastructure Monitoring



VirtualMetric is a high-performance IT infrastructure monitoring solution that works with all platforms, virtualization systems, and networks. The advanced features of VirtualMetric include all aspects of infrastructure monitoring, including agentless real-time monitoring. 

It allows you to gain full visibility over all of your physical and virtual server resources and get real-time reports and alerts to avoid any instance of downtime or unavailability. VirtualMetric monitoring suite provides you with the necessary data to optimize performance and track all the standard metrics with ease.

vmetricBlogWhy Real-Time Monitoring is So Important

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